Sunday, August 9, 2009


It's noon time and the sun is at it's best. Its great to be off line for some time as it really renews the possibilities of coming back to a better start. Life, work or pleasure each of these need a break to get more creative at whatever you plan to do or even complete an incomplete task with better enthusiasm. Many times we work so hard and still never achieve anything and then suddenly most of the times something out of the blue works wonders.

Just today as I switch off my thinking capacity I switch on GOD.TV. I've watched Joyce Meyers talking about Getting Confidence, confidently. Benny Hinn's Crusade for salvation this guy has the ability to spread the Good News in all Continents and then there is a Conference and then Wendy Alec so you know that squeaky voice from any end of your room. After all the spiritual boost and cleansing it time to clean the house.

Kabir my five going on six son lets me have my time on the TV, but this time when he was watching I could hear Wendy on one of her Prophetic fits, she was talking about my son. Every thing that was disturbing me for the last week has just passed me by was my health, my sons health and the situation we are in. Firstly we pamper our children with all the stuff that tastes good, smells good, looks good and feels good without realising that we are messing up their naturally gifted healthy bodies with man made lust. We now have prepared a body that is ready for all kinds of diseases and infections. Though we think that pharmaceutical industry is ready with that magic portion that prevents the virus from spreading and pain relief BEWARE:it may adversely affect your lungs, kidneys, heart, liver, skin irritation, bowel movement, cause convulsions, asthma, and the list goes on. You buy all the medicines for the most reputed medical practitioner and follow all the doses, the toxic traces of these medicines within our bodies are far much more dangerous than nicotine and alcohol. I am always pulled up for being a chain smoker, and have seen most women who suffer breast and lung cancer are not smokers at all.

The sum of the entire situation is that if ignorance is bliss then intelligence is dangerous. Back to the point Wendy Alec was speaking about my son who is growing up steadily on my concerns about his future, the relationship he shares with me, his father, his sister, that's all he has in the world and each of us are so messed up with our righteous selves, we have damaged the point so badly beyond repair. And Wendy squeaking tongues saying to the five year old that God has told her to tell him that may be his father, his mother and his sister may not be able to give him the love that he deserves God is fulfilling that love, fulfilling all the broken promises, fulfilling all his desires, fulfilling all his needs, fulfilling all his wants, God will lift him up in his arms so gracefully that he will never feel any pain of doubting the existence of the abundance of God's love for his children and he must continue to follow the laws and the commandments of God.

Way to go Wendy Alec and Rory Alec and God.Tv for channelizing, renewing, reviewing, regaining, restoring and refreshing the Hallelulia in our lives.

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